Reactivating 261 Fearless Club Los Angeles after Covid-19

Fundraiser for 261 Fearless Club Los Angeles

261 Club Los Angeles

Uniting women globally to gain empowerment and good health through running


261 Fearless Club Los Angeles was launched at the Pasadena Senior Center to empower senior women in our community to become and stay active. Our weekly, one-hour activity programs are designed specifically for senior women of all abilities and guided by Certified 261 Coaches.

261 Fearless Club Los Angeles is non-judgmental, non-competitive and nonperformance-based. We stress the social side of running, rather than speed or distance. We teach good technique and provide cutting-edge information on women’s health. We are an individual, local, nonprofit organization and are part of the 261 Fearless, Inc. global network.

FEARFULNESS became FEARLESSNESS at the 1967 Boston Marathon. Kathrine Switzer, wearing bib number 261, survived an attack and attempt to pull her off the course, because she is a woman. Graphic pictures of the attack were, and continue to be seen, around the world. Kathryn’s strength powerfully and thoroughly changed women’s sports and their role in society. The numbers 261 became the symbol for women to become FEARLESS through running and persistence.

In 2016 Kathrine and co-founder, Edith Zuschmann, created 261 Fearless, Inc., a global non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. 261 Fearless Club Los Angeles received IRS determination as a 501(c)3 on November 18, 2019, and celebrated its first weekly meet run at the Pasadena Senior Center on January 15, 2020.

We look forward to seeing you at our weekly meet runs soon!

261Fearless Club Los Angeles

Be Fearless.
Be Free.
Be Grateful.
Run with 261®
Women of all social backgrounds and running abilities are very welcome!page1image42350848