Luis Escobar! Born to Run 100-Miler, May 17, 2019

This is coming!

I completed a couple 30-milers and the 60-miler this year at Luis’s Born to Run Ultra Marathon Extravaganza. I am now on a quest to complete the 100-miler.

This must-do quest, the 8th annual BTR, is in the East Creek Ranch, Los Olivos, CA. Dirt road, single and double-track trail, flowers, cows, birds, snakes, deer and frogs are part of the experience. Each 20-mile loop has 2,300 feet gain. The cut-off time for the 100-miler is 42 hours. 

My short-term focus is on the Senior Olympics 5K and 10K, so almost all of my training has been these short distances as fast as possible. I have not done a long run in a couple of weeks. I hope to get back to my 20-mile walk/runs on Saturdays. Maybe next week.,